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   渦凹氣浮機是一項優(yōu)良的污水處理技術(shù),設計合理,操作方便、運行經(jīng)濟,它由空氣產(chǎn)生氣泡,直接從廢水中除去固體懸浮物。渦凹曝氣機將“微氣泡”直接注入污水中而不需要進(jìn)行溶氣,然后通過(guò)散氣葉輪把“微氣泡”均勻的分布于污水中,所以整個(gè)運行過(guò)程不會(huì )發(fā)生阻塞現象。渦凹氣浮機主要由箱體、曝氣機、刮泥系統等組成,不需要壓力溶氣、空壓機和循環(huán)泵等設備。


Overview of vortex concave air flotation machine is introduced as follows:
Eddy concave gas float is an excellent sewage treatment technology, reasonable design, convenient operation, economy running, it is produced by the air bubbles, directly to remove suspended solids from the wastewater. Vortex concave aerator will "micro bubbles" without the need to advance in the injected directly into the water soluble gas, and then through the perforated impeller "micro bubbles" uniform distribution in wastewater, so the whole operation process blocking phenomenon will not occur. Eddy concave air flotation machine is mainly composed of enclosure, aerator, scraping mud system, etc, do not need to be dissolved air pressure, air compressor and the circulating pump and other equipment.

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